Sunday, October 17, 2010

Exercise 5

Subject: Re: Assignment 5 (Due: September 17, before 01:00pm) Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:16 am

Given the chance to have your own techno business, discuss it's nature and target clients (3000 words).

Creating and building such idea on how to produce such a successful business needs more studies on how to implement it well. Some of the business ideas are somewhat like other business ideas that can be read and search on the internet . But of course, my ideas may have similarities but I might say that it is better than other ideas. Gaining wisdom within one of your passions can become a 24/7/365 adventure. Look at some things on your list to see if combining them would make someone's life more convenient. There will be challenges, but your dreams are a promise that your efforts can help create. That is why passion to pursue this business idea is so important, it can provide the determination to keep going during difficult times. Look at your own skills and experiences. Write a list of things that you can do well. Write a list of things that you would like to learn to do. Make a list of chores or tasks that you hate and avoid. One of these may lead to a great business idea or opportunity.Making such business proposal can be hard working but after you see the results of your labor it makes you more confident and curious on how to do it very well. Combine some items from your products and services lists with your skills and write down your new business ideas. Discover business trends and niches by looking at the titles of popular books and websites. Read magazine articles and blogs for inspiration for a business opportunity. Think about ways to make it easier or more convenient to use one or more of these things. List some ways to make them cheaper, faster or smaller. Research your idea to find out if it might fill a market gap or provide an opportunity to meet a need that many people have. Learn how to research your potential market by taking free online courses from the Small Business Administration. Keep all your ideas no matter how silly them seem. Such ideas that can be seen and read on the internet can be common to other ideas but they have also differences on how each person present and discuss their ideas . In making the business I consider the following: target
There is generally a uniform target is “making money ”. How much do you want to make money or how long you will begin to reap the results? This is the most basic and most fundamental thing to be determined at the beginning, at least be a motivation and benchmarks to measure the success of your business.

2. Making Websites and Blogs
This is the biggest question for visitors to your website. Front page of your website should be briefly and accurately describes the function of your website so as not to confuse visitors, especially new visitors.

3. Sell Your Products
Your should clearly offer your products and of course the product offered is also obvious to the clients. You also need to research the extent to which competition factor for your product on the Internet so you can then determine the appropriate marketing strategy for your business and your product. You should also consider the comfort of your buyers in the payment and other details.

4. Marketing
You also must plan for marketing and promotion for your business. Including the growth for your business, through advertising campaigns and promotions, and others. Marketing strategy for the business must be done consistently .

It gives me ideas on how to make a succesful business in the future that would surely earn big income and would boost and enhance my skills in producing and building a successful idea in the field of technopreneurship. I am also concern on how that business idea would work and be successful in the coming future. Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one and so is the business. I also look forward the risk in making his business idea when it will be implemented. It makes me curious on how this business idea would help me as a student in theb field of my expertise. Different ideas came out into my mind after I red the forum. I am thingking of so many ideas that can be unique than any other business ideas.
Candy A. Dowler stress-out in her site some ways on how to come up with great ideas to start your dream business:
Great Ideas for a Dream Business
Great dream business ideas are built around what you love to do -- instead of what you can do. You want to find an idea that has the potential to create a business where you are ...
• using the gifts and talents you excel at
• doing what you love
• working in the places you love
• dealing with the problems, issues and needs you are passionate about
• surrounded by the things, people and experiences you love
• being handsomely paid to live an extraordinary life
Essentially, it is finding your bliss and then building a dream business around it.
Where Business Ideas Come From
Often ideas come from your personal experience and the way you see the world. Some people have a knack for sensing opportunities. Others are sensitive to things that are missing or not done well. Often, they come from recognizing that you can ...
• fulfill a need others have
• solve a problem someone cares about
• further an issue or cause others are passionate about
• take advantage of an opportunity created by a change in circumstances
That insight can come from one, or a combination of, the following situations ...
• you read an article about a new product or service in another industry or country
• you see a TV program that highlights a new technology or manufacturing process
• you watch a documentary about a need or problem that you know how to solve
• you start thinking about an annoying situation that occurs in your everyday life
• you have a conversation and start brainstorming how to do something better
• you turn a problem over in your head while taking a shower
• you listen to a song and hear a solution in the lyrics
• you start surfing the web and notice that the same issue keeps getting your attention
When the ideas start flowing, you can start to see the connections between the needs in the marketplace and the work you love to do. This is when you want to have a notebook or idea journal handy, to record all your ideas.

Focusing On Dream Business Ideas
Another way to start getting ideas is to actively think about the key ingredients of your dream work and ...
• Identify how your gifts and talents can be used to create great products and services
• Identify the activities you love to do and build the core activities of the business around them
• Determine the tools and materials you want to use to create your products or services based on the things you love to work with and have around you
• Seek out a customer base that reflects the people you love to be around
• Look at how the business can fulfill your need for having great life experiences
• Focus your business results on addressing the issues you love to work on, the problemsyou love to solve, and the needs you are passionate about fulfilling in the places you love
• Identify what kind of business supports your life calling
• Think about what types of businesses are a part of the life you want to live and envision for yourself

You don't have to quit what you are doing now, you can also start a business for some extra cash flow. At some point your business may grow enough to consider it a full time occupation. For now, some extra money may provide just what we need.
The act of starting or growing a business is a valuable education. Using your own business idea to start your own business will be a less expensive education than attending a brick and mortar college - and you can learn more useful and actionable information.

You can also create an income using your entrepreneurial business idea, instead of deferring income while in school. The hardest thing about getting started is getting started.
A person that graduates with a business degree and is hired by a corporation has not failed, they have completed a step toward their definition of success. An entrepreneur that shuts down a failed business and then starts a new business has likewise completed a step toward becoming free to live life by their own rules. The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those, which fail.The only types of business knowledge you can't delegate or outsource are (1) knowing your customers intimately, and (2) understanding how cash flows into and out of your business.
Your start-up business will have a steep learning curve. Start your first business small and manageable; making your mistakes as inexpensive as possible. Wait to "ramp up" your business until you are sure of your commitment. Then persist. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
It will not be easy. This is not a get rich quick scheme, this is business! Your business.
We can not ensure success, but we can deserve it.
Your chances of success as an entrepreneur increase if the business idea you develop is based on passions that drive you. Create what is for you a natural enterprise and you can make a very good income - while enjoying the journey.
If you wish to prosper, let your customer prosper.
Your education, training, passions, hobbies, interests, or creative ideas are a great starting point. Since you will be spending time, money, and effort as you struggle toward business success - choose to do something you can do with enthusiasm. Focus on your top two or three passions; the joys of pursuit can help you through rough periods.

It is no use saying 'We are doing our best.' You have to succeed in doing what is necessary. Seldom will your business' future growth be determined by what you learned in the past - be prepared to adapt constantly as the rules of engagement change. Your personal liberty will arrive when you solve problems for folks that are willing and able to pay for your product.
Perhaps you have been saying "I want to start my own business" for a very long time. Start it now - build it for the next very long time. Listen to what people say they want; try it, and adapt it. The rewards of owning your own life are worth the investments you are about to make.

An idea came out into my mind which I think a good investment interms of growing a business. I choose a business that engages with books since I am a book lover and I love to read books. In the present time, many people especially students need a medium in gaining information and entertainment, the books. I've always wanted to have a bookstore, and having one online is so much easier than a bricks and mortar store. However, there are pros and cons in making this business idea. If I will to put a business having enough money as a start-up capital. It is not just an ordinary business taht sells books because it has its differences from the other book related businesses. The smartest move that you can make is to carefully map out an effective career-change strategy. A catch phrase is like bait – it hooks the target clients that they would want to read the whole of your message in your brochure, catalog, print postcards, and even in your bookmarks or hang tags, websites or blogs. And just like any other business, your business needs all the help it can get to be attractive and appealing to your target clients.
I call this business as “The BookRoom”. This business offered many features. This business has been design to fill a niche that exists in the market place. I will compile business plans rapidly and efficiently, at a fraction of our competitors' prices, whilst maintaining the highest levels of quality and client service at all times.
The key to success once your own business is started is to keep learning. Cultivate your natural abilities and grow with them.
The success of this business will be directly influenced by my dedication to continually improving the quality and service in every aspect of the business operation. To multiply small successes is precisely to build one treasure after another. In time one becomes rich without realizing how it has come about. This business is not just through internet but also through personal interaction with the customers which I believe the best way to offer my featured products which are the books. The business offers different kinds of books both new and old books(used books). I would also pursue buy and sell. Example, buy old books which are often use and sell them to other people through online or through face to face. Making Blogs or designing a website for selling the books is one way of selling the books online. The website offers different function such as searching books that are offered and are useful to the website visitors and clients or searching related books that can be use by the customer. Displaying the content of a certain offered book on the website is one of the best way in satisfying a customer who wants to buy a book. The business also offers not just the featured books on my website but they can also contact me in searching book I do not offer in my site but I can search and buy it and sell it to them in a good price. But before buying the book, they need to pay a total of 50 percent of the total price which includes the charges.

What kind of clients do I want? This sounds like a silly question at first; obviously I want great clients for my “BookRoom” business. I need to know what kind of clients am I looking.
I need to define my target clients for my business if I want to succeed. Before I can set out to launch my “BookRoom” business, I need to identify the market my business can best serve.
Since I am planning to lauch a business about books my target clients are usually students who needs more of the books for their studies. Employed and unemployed are also beneficiaries in this “BookRoom” business since they can also use the books. This business offers different kinds of books that can be use anyone of different ages.
According to John Ray Daniels in his website named he stated 5 ways on how you can add an effective catch phrase that reels your clients in:
1.)KISS it.
You have to KISS it – keep it short and simple. A meaningful and compelling catch phrase is something that is brief and quick assurance that the quality of work you provide is the best in the market. A brief and concise message is what you are aiming for because you would want to convey your message right away. The faster your target clients get the message; the quicker it would be for them to act on it. So get your message across as briefly as possible.

2.)Your credentials, please.
State your credentials – what you have already done and accomplished, and what your target clients need to know about your company and its experience. You tell them right off the bat. Don’t beat around the bush as you are defeating the purpose of a catch phrase. Statements such as “Serving you since 1908” is one good example of a catch phrase that lets your target clients know how long you have been around in your industry. So make your achievements known.

3.)Keep it light.
Use your sense of humor to drive your point. A rhyming catch phrase or a silly statement not only can make it easy for your target clients to see your sense of humor; but it makes it even easier for your target clients to remember your name and your message. So bring a smile to your clients’ hearts and make them take a second look at your message because they would want to be in the joke.

4.)Out of the box.
Be creative. Thinking out of the box can go a long way in getting you remembered by your target clients. Try using a catch phrase that is less direct but can catch your target Finally, make yourself clients’ attention – long enough for them to get the point. So showcase your cleverness and imagination with your message.

5.)Your USP.
Finally, make yourself a stand out by pointing out your Unique Selling Point. Write a catch phrase that draws your target clients’ attention to any distinct quality that you have to offer. This is something that your competition or any other company in the market doesn’t have. Highlight your USP and let your target customers know you have the ability to give them what the others can’t for a very long time.

Although all of this may sound weird, actually it is not. It all boils down to having a very clear vision about what kind of clients I want to target.
The more specific that I can get in selecting the group of people that will constitute my main clients, the more successful that you will be with your marketing campaigns. Keep in mind an important rule: Each group must be independently large enough to be profitable.
On one hand, I don’t want to be so specific that I limit my clients.
If you target a large enough segment while maintaining your focus (look at similarities between different business.), you can then use your marketing tools efficiently and move way ahead of your competitors.,-Use-a-Catch-Phrase/1009115

Exercise 4

Subject: Re: Assignment 4 (Due: August 20, before 01:00pm) Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:00 am

What are the lessons that you learned after reading the commencement address of Steve Jobs? (at least 1000words)

There are several lessons that I took after reading the “Commencement Address” of Steve Jobs.
Trust your gut. Too many people get caught up in their mind and caught up with what they’re supposed to do instead of really looking within and listening to their intuition.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. Whatever you do, you have to trust the fact that it will all work out if you follow your gut. You have to go beyond logical, methodical thinking and know that no matter what, if you stay true and honest with yourself, everything will work out in the end.
Loving what you do is of the utmost importance. Beyond money, beyond status and beyond what other people think, you need to strive to do what you love.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. It might not come to you as easy and at as young of an age as it did for Steve, however, don’t let that stop you. Never settle and keep searching. Listen to your intuition. When you’ve found it, you’ll know it. “Do what you love.” Seek out a work that gives you a sense of meaning, direction and satisfaction in life. Having a sense of purpose and striving towards goals gives life meaning, direction and satisfaction. It not only contributes to health and longevity, but also makes you feel better in difficult times.
Live in a way that is ethically responsible. Try to make a difference in this world and contribute to the higher good. You’ll find it gives more meaning to your life and it’s a great antidote to boredom. There is always so much to be done. And talk to others about what you are doing.
Don’t be self-righteous, or fanatical about it, that just puts people off, but at the same time, don’t be shy about setting an example, and use opportunities that arise to let others know what you are doing.
Live authentically."Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition." - Steve Jobs
Don’t equate making mistakes with being a mistake. There is no such thing as a successful person who has not failed or made mistakes, there are successful people who made mistakes and changed their lives or performance in response to them, and so got it right the next time. They viewed mistakes as warnings rather than signs of hopeless inadequacy. Never making a mistake means never living life to the full.
We were all born with a gift to give in life, one which informs all of our desires, interests, passions and curiosities. This gift is, in fact, our purpose. And you don’t need permission to decide your own purpose. Just find that unique purpose.
Be yourself. When Jobs spoke at Stanford his address was simple, frank and open, with opinions expressed about entrepreneurship, work and life. He reflected on what kept him going through challenging times. He understood that people wanted to hear what made him tick. It is the stories of what makes the person that mesmerize.
Be honest. People like honesty even if it is painful (to you or them) and they warm to it. Jobs said: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary . . .”
Be modest – but recognize that there’s little room for false or excessive modesty. People often want to learn from your achievements and they will value a connection, insight or source of inspiration.
Your intuition knows which path to take. Trust it!"You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever--because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference." - Steve Jobs
Follow your heart. Don't settle."You've got to find what you love, and that is as true for work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it, and like any great relationship it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs
The lessons learned from an experience like that can only be conveyed by someone who truly went through it. Quite simply, it puts life into perspective. As Steve states, “Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent.” What it comes down to is this: Life is short. It’s way too short to be living someone else’s life. It’s too short to live up to expectations that aren’t your own. You have to do everything in your power to tune out the outside noise. Honestly, it’s scary as hell, isn’t it? When it comes down to it, there are only you. Nobody else on this planet can tell you or give you advice on what do with your life. You most certainly can receive guidance, but at the end of the day, the buck stops with you. It takes courage and most of all, it means following your heart.
The easiest way to get out of the trap of thinking you have something to lose is remembering that you are going to die. Everyone wants to live forever and most people live like this. They live like they have nothing to lose. They live like they might not die tomorrow. It’s an easy trap to fall into. Make an effort every day to realize the impermanence of life.
It is the mind that is innocent of preconceptions and expectations, judgments and prejudices. Think of beginner’s mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonder and amazement.
It is your life and you have every right to spend it in your own individual way without any hurdles or barriers from others. Give yourself a chance to nurture your creative qualities in a fear-free and pressure-free climate. Live a life that YOU choose and be your own boss.
I’ll end with the final words from Steve’s speech and with something that you should constantly repeat to yourself. Make it your mantra: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Exercise 3

Subject: Re: Assignment 3 (Due: August 18, before 01:00pm) Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:59 am

my purpose in life is ......

We as a a person usually have our own purpose or purposes in life. Each one of us had our perspective on how we live life. As an individual, I may also have my own purposes and this are the following:
Arrow to live with harmony with others
Arrow to help and obey my parents
Arrow as a youngest, to be good to my brother and sister
Arrow to respect others will and decision
Arrow to honor my parents
Arrow to study hard and graduate with my preferred course
Arrow to reach the peak of success
Arrow to preserve life
Arrow to live life to he fullest
These following purposes can be acquire through hard work, perseverance and by the help of the Almighty God.

Exercise 2

Subject: Re: Assignment 2 (Due: August 9, before 01:00pm) Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:17 am

your reflections/insights on your personal traits test ... (at least 2000 words)

Observing one’s personality makes you curious above others. It makes you realize on how you act, socialize and know once behavior. One’s personality is unique above others on how you manage and develop yourself. Sometimes you encountered difficulties on how to interpret our own traits and behavior as a person. In such case, we need to search and know more on how we make ourselves in control. Last Friday, I took a free online personality traits test that aims to describe aspects of a person’s character that remains stable throughout the person’s lifetime, the individual’s character pattern of behavior, thoughts and feelings. The results from ( questionnaire are the following:

What aspects of personality does this tell me about?
There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions.
*Openness to Experience/Intellect
High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
You are relatively open to new experiences.
(Your percentile: 65)

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.
(Your percentile: 94)

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others.
(Your percentile: 64)

High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive.
(Your percentile: 90)

High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
You probably remain calm, even in tense situations.
(Your percentile: 4)

What do the scores tell me?

In order to provide you with a meaningful comparison, the scores you received have been converted to "percentile scores." This means that your personality score can be directly compared to another group of people who have also taken this personality test.
The percentile scores show you where you score on the five personality dimensions relative to the comparison sample of other people who have taken this test on-line. In other words, your percentile scores indicate the percentage of people who score less than you on each dimension. For example, your Extraversion percentile score is 64, which means that about 64 percent of the people in our comparison sample are less extraverted than you -- in other words, you are rather extroverted. Keep in mind that these percentile scores are relative to our particular sample of people. Thus, your percentile scores may differ if you were compared to another sample.

From the given results, it makes me realize that the results showed can be true and valuable because, I, my self can prove that the following results reflects of who I am. It only proves that he test which I have been taken was indeed reliable. In the results, it appeared that I am willing to take a risk to do everything and be curious which leads to new ideas which are unique from the others. Being a self-disciplined person is at my top-most priority as a person that tends me to be well-organized in any matters and be reliable person to each individual. Enjoying the company of others makes me develop in socializing others and understand others behavior that boost my ability to gain friends. In the result, it is showed that I am a good-natured, courteous and supportive person who is true in reality. I do practice of respecting others on what they wanted to do and respect also their decisions. Last but not the least, I remain calm in the times of rush and tense situation which can be showed in the results which are categorize as follows: openness to experience/ intellect, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
Ram Charam stress out some characteristics which in my own understanding I believe that we as individual must be a leader in our own self. He point out some personal traits that will help us to be more develop and manage well our own self. The author also gives us some some tips on how to develop more ourselves. The author portrays the qualities that would boost and enhance us as a better person in the future. We as individual must do our best and be a leader in our own life. The characteristics are the following:

Ambition: A desire to achieve something visible and noteworthy propels individual leaders and their
companies to strive to reach their potential.
Drive and Tenacity: Some leaders have an inner motor that pushes them to get to the heart of an issue and find solutions.

Self-Confidence: You have to be able to listen to your own inner voice and endure the lonely moments when
an important decision falls on your shoulders.
Psychological Openness: The willingness to allow yourself to be influenced by other people and to share
your ideas openly enhances the know-hows, while being psychologically closed can cause problems.

Realism: Realism is the mid-point between optimism and pessimism, and the degree to which you tend toward
one or the other has a particularly powerful effect on your use of the know-hows.

Appetite for Learning: Know-hows improve with exposure to diverse situations with increasing levels of
complexity, so an eagerness for new challenges is essential.

After I took the personality test I also took the adversity quotient test that measures of how resilient you are in the trials and tribulation also. According to Paul Stoltz, Ph.D. AQ is measured to by working out CO2RE results.

C = Control
To what extent can you influence the situation?
How much control do you perceive you have?
This is one of the most important elements that determines how individuals respond to and handle adversity. It's all about understanding the extent to which an individual can influence the situation and how much perceived control they have. In other words, it's about empowerment and influence, resilience and gritty determination.

O = Ownership
To what extent do you hold yourself responsible for improving this situation?
To what extent are you accountable to play some role in making it better?
This element consists of the perception of responsibility for improving a situation and the extent to which the individual needs to play a role in improving the situation.

R = Reach
How far does the fallout of this situation reach into other areas of your work or life?
To what extent does the adversity extend beyond the situation at hand?
This relates to the scope and extent of the "fallout" from a situation into other areas of one's life. Individuals who can compartmentalize and keep the fallout under control, limiting the impact of the adversity, seem to engage in much more efficient and effective problem-solving.

E = Endurance
How long will the adversity endure?
People who see adversity as simply temporary tend to believe that the future will get better; they see light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

After I took the adversity quotient test, I am very glad to know the results because my average ARP score is 158. This indicates that my ARP score is higher than the average ARP score which is 147.5. This means that I have more control and influence in adverse situations than to those with lower AQ’s. It also indicates that I am accountable for dealing with situations regardless of their case. The result also shows that I keep setback and challenges in my place, not letting them infest the healthy areas of my work and life. The result makes me think positive because it seems like I have the ability to maintain hope and optimism in accordance with my results.

Dr. Paul Stoltz also added some techniques that we can follow to improve our AQ. LEAD, which stands for Listen, Explore, Analyse and Do. The following are the techniques:

L = listen -- Our typical, normal responses are the result of a lifelong, habitual pattern. So the first thing you need to do is to be able to get a good and quick gut feel or awareness of when adversity is happening. In other words, listen to yourself.

E = explore -- This element stands for exploring both the origin and ownership of the situation. If an individual doesn't feel a sense of ownership, they won't take action.
A = analyze -- It is important to take steps to analyze the evidence and to separate fact from assumptions. You need to examine and dispute any destructive elements of your response. Look at the limitations of the adversity itself, not the limitations you might face to improve the situation.

D = do something -- But do it carefully, do not rush. Think about any additional information you might need, what actions would help to overcome the adversity -- examine the what, where, when and why questions to confirm your goal. Don't just write a list of actions, commit to a time and date.

One also of the essentials that comprises the personality traits is known as the Emotional Quotient. Emotional Quotient is about having empathy for others. It is about standing up for what you believe in a tactful and respectful way. It is about not jumping to conclusions, but getting the whole picture before you react. The key to emotional intelligence is an understanding of your emotions and the emotions of others, and acting in the most appropriate way based on that understanding. Having a healthy emotional intelligence is very important in order for human beings to live happy and successful lives. After I have taken the emotional quotient test, I scored 90% correct out of 10 items and I am very glad to know that I have a healthy emotional intelligence. It indicates that I can easily understand others emotion as well as mine. The result only reflects that I can set my personal boundaries, make decisions about my life and communicate with the people we love.

Julie B. Thibodeaux, M.C.P. and D. Stephenson Bond, L.M.H.C stress out some tips to increase emotional intelligence:

*Go to the gym, take an exercise class or participate in activities that reduce your stress level.
*Take up a new hobby or sport that involves interacting with other people.
*Take a class at your local community college.
*Join a support group.
*Keep a feelings journal.
*See a counselor to help you deal with your emotions.
*Take an anger management course.
*Enroll in a communication skills course.
*Read books about emotional intelligence and social skills.
*Do emotional intelligence workbooks.
*Ask your friends and family to help you recognize the things about yourself that may need correcting.

On the other hand intelligence quotient as part of personality test, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized test designed to assess intelligence. I didn't include my Intelligence Quotient test because I wanted the results from the Office Registrar but they didn't grant it to me.

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Intelligence
1.Minimize Television Watching- The problem is watching television doesn’t use your mental capacity OR allow it to recharge. It’s like having the energy sapped out of a muscle without the health benefits of exercise.
2.Exercise- I used to think that I’d learn more by not exercising and using the time to read a book instead. But I realized that time spent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated and can concentrate more easily.
3.Read Challenging Books -Many people like to read popular suspense fiction, but generally these books aren’t mentally stimulating. If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books that make you focus.
4.Early to Bed, Early to Rise -Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation. You’ll be most rejuvenated if you go to bed early and don’t sleep more than 8 hours. If you stay up late and compensate by sleeping late, you’ll wake up lethargic and have trouble focusing.
5.Take Time to Reflect -Often our lives get so hectic that we become overwhelmed without even realizing it. It becomes difficult to concentrate because nagging thoughts keep interrupting. Spending some time alone in reflection gives you a chance organize your thoughts and prioritize your responsibilities. Afterwards, you’ll have a better understanding of what’s important and what isn’t. The unimportant stuff won’t bother you anymore and your mind will feel less encumbered.
The personality test that I had taken makes me know more about my self. It makes me more knowledgeable about my self and of the others. But after all, the result from the examination that I have taken serves as a guide and can be both reliable or not. The most important thing right now is you live by your own and be happy and contented of what you are now. The results that I got from the given test questionnaire reflects of who I am. For me, the results makes glad because base on the results I have high grades. The time is yours to make a change. Star it with your self. To those who had not taken the exam, the choice is yours. After all, you are the one who makes difference above others.


Exercise 1

Subject: Re: Assignment 1 (Due: July 16, 2010, before 01:00pm) Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:59 am

After watching the movie "Pirates of the Silicon Valley",

1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?
2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?
3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?

note: at least 1000 words for every question.....

Laughing 1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?

"Good artists copy. Great artists steal." This line makes me wander in the movie “ The Pirates of the Silicon Valley” which makes me think that the story focuses on the thought earlier. The story talks about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, both are well-known person in the computer industry because of their historic contribution in rising of the computer age. Steve Jobs is a co-founder of Apple Computers and Bill Gates is a co-founder of Microsoft Company.
The movie also emphasized the negative qualities of the two gentlemen that are now having big names worldwide. Despite of the unenthusiastic attitude of Steve Jobs to his team and co-founders, he still managed to uplift and give a renowned recognition of the Apple Company. On the other hand, Bill Gates also tried to put everyone down who are in the same business even though Microsoft at first was an underdog. Still, he survived and also made Microsoft as a threatening counterpart to Apple.

Shalaka Bhosale an IT graduate discussed what the word success means and what are the qualities to became a successful technopreneur. The discussions are the following:

“Success is a critical factor in everyone's life and everybody thrives for the same on less or more extent. Personality and attitude plays an important role in achieving success. To succeed in life, you need to impress your seniors/colleagues/clients, you need to display the able ness and preparation on your part, which shows and make others think that you are eligible for some work and can be fully entrusted with it. In such situation your personality, your attitude, your confidence, the way you speak and turn situations in your favor, your tactics etc. play an important role in deciding if your client is going to trust you or not. People believe/trust only those who are more productive and have a perfect combination of things stated above”.
He added the some characteristics that will you succeed.
First Impression Is Important: Your first impression on any person decides many other things, which you may come across in future. In business world, you get hardly few moments/minutes to present yourself and your ideas to bag a deal. You get very less time to make a person believe you who has never seen you before, who does not know much about you.

Your Attitude Counts: People with right attitude rather than only positive attitude are trusted more. You need to keep in mind that the person you are going to deal in business world can guess your attitude just by observing your behavior, your views regarding some points, your gesture etc. You do not have to try and show that you are full of positive attitude, which surely will harm your position; you just need to show the right attitude.

Think Before You Speak: I believe you should not speak out about a topic you do not know or have very less knowledge about. It is better to let others think you are a fool rather than opening your mouth and proving it.

Home Work Is Important: Homework plays an important role. You can impress people better when you have thorough knowledge of the subject you are presenting yourself in. Lesser you know about the subject you are speaking on, less confident you are, which is surely just like a breach in your fort. Homework helps in inducing confidence and in turn your attitude.

Be Confident: As I stated above, be confident of what you state and whatever you do. There can be a situation when you can win a deal of your lifetime just because you are confident you can do it!

Incontrast, Adrian Savage, a retired business executive discuss some points with regards on why high achievers fail. This are the following:

“Every strength can become a weakness. Every talent contains an opposite that sometimes makes it into a handicap. Successful people like to win and achieve high standards. This can make them so terrified of failure it ruins their lives. When a positive trait, like achievement, becomes too strong in someone’s life, it’s on the way to becoming a major handicap.Achievement is a powerful value for many successful people. They’ve built their lives on it. They achieve at everything they do: school, college, sports, the arts, hobbies, work. Each fresh achievement adds to the power of the value in their lives”.

Gradually, failure becomes unthinkable. Maybe they’ve never failed yet in anything that they’ve done, so have no experience of rising above it. Failure becomes the supreme nightmare: a frightful horror they must avoid at any cost. The simplest way to do this is never to take a risk. Stick rigidly to what you know you can do. Protect your butt. Work the longest hours. Double and triple check everything. Be the most conscientious and conservative person in the universe.
And if constant hard work, diligence, brutal working schedules, and harrying subordinates won’t ward off the possibility of failing, use every other possible means to to keep it away. Falsify numbers, hide anything negative, conceal errors, avoid customer feedback, constantly shift the blame for errors onto anyone too weak to fight back. Failure was an impossible prospect, worth doing just about anything to avoid.
As what it says, there are factors that affect the success and failure of the both characters in the movie. The first thing that movie emphasizes was his success and later his failure. The factors that contributed to the success of Steve Jobs are the following; confidence, sense of humor, patience, dedication and many others which I think Steve Jobs had in becoming a successful technopreneur in the computer industry.
In contrast, there are also factors that contributed to Steve Jobs failure. After his success, there was a time in his life that he realizes that it was too much when failure comes. Steve Jobs sooner realizes that he had done so many unnecessary things that lead him to failure. Some of these characteristics are the following; being selfish, too strict, not approachable, doesn’t care of other people and many others that contributed to his failure.

In conclusion, in times that we are too high enough to reach don’t forget who you are. As they say, aim high but don’t forget your past and remember who you are because they are part of where you are now. And remember that attitude counts!

Laughing 2. How do you see yourself as a technopreneur?

At the time when I process my papers for the enrollment, I was very much curious of my subjects so what I did is that I read my C.O.R. and I found out a term from one of my subjects which caught my attention. The term was technopreneurship. It sounds weird, right? I was wondering about it and suddenly Itried to research it on the internet and I found out that the term Technopreneurship came from the word Technology and Entrepreneurship. After I read that article on the internet about technopreneurship, some speculations came out fro my mind and questions that bothered my mind. How can it be that a technology is combined with entrepreneurship? How can I earn money through my learnings in this subject? What are the importance of this subject? Do I need to take this subject?
In the wake of the market shakeout, industry experts and analysts are now urging technopreneurs to return to the drawing table to clearly define their core businesses, target markets, and mission statements. If individual technopreneurs want to actually achieve their visions, then they need to reach even deeper into the basics -- and redefine who they are as technopreneurs.
The role of a technopreneur engages several difficulties. Its characteristics cannot be define by a single word, but of many. It sounds confusing to say that being an technopreneur is an easy job for those who didn't really know it deeper but for those who are engage with this job it is indeed tiresome for a person to handle a big responsibility to become a better technopreneur. In some instance, the word technopreneur which came from the word technology and entrepreneur is not new to us since we are now in the information age where everything is not impossible.

David Burnett, founder of, stressed-out some words of wisdom and advice and encouragement to pursue and aim high. It caught my attention because
it gives inspiration to be come a successful technopreneur. David Burnett discussed the following arguments in his website:

“Nonetheless, the enigmatic entrepreneur has crept into the mainstream. The media now portrays billionaire entrepreneurs as heroes, and, everyday, new people are setting their sights on joining the ranks of this elite--but seemingly indescribable--class. Nonetheless, the dilemma of defining the entrepreneur is not a new phenomenon. A quick review of the history of entrepreneurship shows that practitioners and scholars alike have been struggling to formulate an all-encompassing definition for centuries. However, a general, one-size-fits-all definition of entrepreneurship is inappropriate, especially considering that the characteristics of each entrepreneur are unique. In fact, one of the keys to the success of most entrepreneurs is that they see and do things differently. Given the individual nature of entrepreneurship, it is only appropriate that each entrepreneur defines his role differently and independently -- but in line with his actions and vision”.
As an Information Technology student, I can see my self as a successful and famous technopreneur in the near future. Being a well-known Tecnopreneur is one of my ambitions in life as an Information Technology student and be the next Bill Gates. But for now, as study first to have a good grade and hopefully graduate in my chosen course and later find a good job.
In the website of HubPages Inc., they highly described the term technopreneurship as well as how to become a better technopreneur. The following arguments are based on the HubPages Inc. website:

“Technopreneurship is the key to earn money through technology. The word came from 2 different words. First, technology, and next is entrepreneurship, where it means business. People are really struggling for survival but they don't know that the stuffs that could save them from annihilation and broke is just beside them. Yes just beside them, they only need a computer and an internet connection. That's how amazing it is. And worst of it lots of people don't see this stuff and have no plan for their future. So could this be? Ok, first thing's first, There are lots of offers in the internet, ranging from advertising to affiliate business to freelance writing and now how could you say it's impossible to do. Well, it's up with you, as many wise people say, "whether you think you can or you think you cannot, either way you're right." There are really lots of stuffs in the web that you could earn from. Or you would use anything that is a masterpiece of technology. Being technopreneur is really the things people consider now. Especially these times that we have job inflation rate and based on statistics, here in Philippines, we have 13,000,000 people jobless. Yes, but sad to say, it is the reality. Being a technopreneur really helps this kind of situation. Why? Because when you start a business, you could hire your fellowmen as your employees and you can give job to them. So you help yourself to have a financial freedom and at the same time, you help other people”.

After all, I can see my self as a boss in my own company, manage my own finances and take charge of my own time. Be good model to other aspiring technopreneur and be one of the big names not only in the country but also abroad as a technopreneur. But all of this will happen if right now I am going to begin it by making small things which makes bigger value and creates worthy things for the good. But again, all this are presumptions and that I may undergo different steps and challenges in life, to mold me to become a better person, to attain my goals and plans in life and to become a successful and famous technopreneur in the nearly future. In the wake of the market shakeout, industry experts and analysts are now urging technopreneurs to return to the drawing table to clearly define their core businesses, target markets, and mission statements. If aspiring like me technopreneurs want to actually achieve their visions, then they need to reach even deeper into the basics -- and redefine who they are as technopreneurs.


Laughing 3. Would you take the same career path that Steve Jobs took? Why or why not?

Before answering the question, let me summarize the story to understand and answer the question well.

The movie “The Pirates of the Silicon Valley” talks about two big names in the computer industry, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers and Bill Gates, co-founder of the Microsoft Company. The movie portrays the historical development of the Apple Computers and Microsoft Company, from the younger days of Steven Jobs and Bill Gates up to their venture as technopreneur. It is an enlightening deception of the evolution of a true phenomenon, he computer age. The movie also describes the negative values of Steven Jobs and Bill Gates that are now having big names in the worldwide. Although Steve Jobs has a unenthusiastic attitude to his co-founders, he still managed to uplift and give a renowned recognition of the Apple Company. On the other hand, Bill Gates tried to do his best for his company to be better than other company in the same business even though Microsoft at first was not that popular. What was really amazing about the film was that the contenders actually worked together until Steve Jobs realized that Bill Gates develop Windows using the software that Apple had programmed for their computers. The movie is really interesting for it caters the audience not only the development of the two largest computer companies nowadays but also the dramatic part.
Steve Jobs is one of the biggest names in the computer industry. He even make it to the point that he had reach the peak of his success. As an Information Technology student, I cannot deny the fact that Steven Jobs had a big contribution in the computer industry today and to the development of strengthening the technology today. But other people didn't know about the contribution of Steve Jobs in the field of business and technology today. He is in line with those brilliant minds in the history like Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilee, Rene Descartes and many other famous people who really established their names in their field of expertise. Steve Jobs success can be a motivation to everyone not only on the field of technology and entrepreneurship but also to their own fields. Becoming successful doesn't mean that you are taking the same path of other successful people. You, as an individual must establish your own identity and signature on who you are in making and taking the same path that you are going to take. Establishing your own career by not copying the idea of other, why not? Take it as a challenge to build your own strong foundation.
For others, establishing their own career is not easy. They take it as a big problem, as a big burden, so what they will going to do is that they would just copy the idea and strategy of others. For me, instead of thinking that challenge as a big burden, why not concentrate on starting your own career on the small things until it develops and grows until it can be developed. Sometimes, it is a habit of others to just simply sit down and wait for some opportunities, but if thats the case, how would imagine yourself in the future? I think you will die because of cowardliness. You, as an individual must seek opportunities to better plan your moves. Don't be afraid to take a risk because opportunity comes only ones and it will never comeback again so behold your dreams and goals in life and be brave enough to face your weakness and to overcome it. As they say “try and try until you succeed”. Don't listen to their negative comments because it makes you bothered. Just do your best and believe in your self.
Base on the flow of the story I would say, “No”, I would not take the same career path that Steven Jobs took. I choose not to to take the same career because I think it is the right path although Steve Jobs had some characteristics that can help us to became successful in life but I have seen uncertain things which I think is not the a good example to the audiences. And this uncertain things that causes Steve Jobs career to end up from its highest peak until downcast fall.
If you will try to think, at first the character of Steve Jobs portrays different quality values to become a successful technopreneur. Some of these characteristics are as follows: perseverance, dedication to work, temperance, open-minded, helpful, courageous, patience, humble and many others that can influence us to be a successful technopreneur. But, when Steve Jobs became famous, he doesn't even wanted to go back his life when he was still an ordinary individual and almost all his good characteristics. He has been overpowered by money. He even forget his closed friends who help him to become a successful technopreneur. It makes me wander why Steve Jobs survived the business, besides his negative attitudes.
Taking the same path as Steven Jobs did was too complicated. Tough he did some good deeds that contributed to his success as a technopreneur, most of his life he had done so many negative deeds which I think is the reason why he fail after so many years of becoming successful. It was pride that ruins the heart and mind of Steve Jobs. He didn't care about all the people who surrounds him until he came to the point that his friends left him because of his bad attitude in socializing others and even in his love affair. The story goes on, after his failure he realizes that he had done so many things which destroys his reputation as famous and successful businessmen in the field of technology and enterpreneurship. It was long journey for Steve Jobs from his success to his failure. After all it is better to hear that Steve Jobs had change and eventually swallows his pride though it was not easy on his part. As they say “ nothing last forever”.